Monday, October 15, 2012

Managers-V-Residents Cheesecake Bakeoff

Here at CCV, we love a good cheesecake!  Out of curiosity, we had to ponder...who makes a better Cheesecake-a resident or a staff member?  
And thus began our strictly scientific journey.
Two residents slaved to make two delicious cheesecakes.   Two members of the CCV made cheesecakes, as well.  And just for good measure, we threw in one store-bought cake, just to see if anybody could tell the difference. 
Before we go any further, I should warn you, we did this as a labor of love-purely for scientific reasons.  We did not enjoy this process at all.  Not even in the tiniest bit.   Really. 
We took the five Cheesecakes and cut them into bite sized portions.  Every judge was given a plate with 5 samples of cheesecake, each with a different colored toothpick.   They were asked to rank the cheesecakes in order by their favorite to their least favorite and used the colored toothpicks to identify which was which.
Nancy helped cut up all the cheesecakes!
What's that, you see?  Looks like a Maintenance Man found his way into the judges' tables!   He was obviously concerned for how much sadness the judges were suffering at the hands of Cheesecake Testing.  

This really was a miserable experience, let me tell you.
Grandma Cheesecake says "I liked this one so much, I FELL INTO IT!"
After the plates were cleared and the judges' votes were cast, it was time to discover who made the better cheesecake.
The results were SHOCKING.  
The favorite cheesecake of the day belonged to...
THIS ONE!  It was made by our own Pastry Chef-Margie!  
Two cheesecakes actually tied for second place!   Both of the second place cheesecakes were made by residents-Mary and Jean!  
In third place was the delicious chocolate cheesecake made by Linda.
And in a very sad, distant, lonesome, fourth place....was the Store Bought Cheesecake.
Well, now that we have solved that mystery, the time has come to find another conundrum to pallet.  
I wonder who can make a better pumpkin pie?

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