Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Another big day is well underway!  This morning, we kicked things off right with a flexibility exercise after we "played ball". 

After we got our blood pumping, we took a breather and had our blood pressure checked.  Miss Sherry came in and made sure that we were all right where we are supposed to be!  Remember, regular blood pressure checks can be very helpful to your doctor-so keep a record every time!  We have blood pressure checks twice a month right in the Stardust Room!
After Wilma had her blood pressure checked, Verna jumped into the hot seat!

After our normal exercise and blood pressure checks, we gave the Stardust Room a quick makeover to be ready for our monthly Residents' Meeting.  All the neighbors came out to bring their questions and concerns to the whole management team.  Always the clown, Sam had to make us all laugh before we got down to business.

"Stacy, look-I'm a pot head."-Sam
"He's always like that, even without the pot"-Charles
"Save it for date night, Sam.  Save it for date night."-Stacy

You can see that we all take this Residents' meeting VERY seriously.   

Linda took the microphone and let everyone know about the new decorating committee.  In the coming months, all hands will be on deck to get our home looking great for fall-and then even better for Christmas!

And now...the tense moment...wait for it...the winners of the free meal tickets are... *drumroll*

After the Resident's Meeting, it was time for lunch.  Today's big lunchtime event was Roberta's birthday.  John was kind enough to sing to her over the microphone.  She is a lucky lady!  Happy Birthday Miss Roberta!

This afternoon, we'll be having a New Resident Meeting & Greet Social at 1:15, then Handbell Choir practice at 3:00.  Don't forget Chair Dancing at 3:45!  Get a good dinner, because Bingo tonight will kick off at 6pm. 

Don't forget, tomorrow night we'll be going out to supper at Outback Steakhouse.  Make sure you get signed up!

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