Monday, August 29, 2011

Meet Our Resident Crafter!

Many of our residents here at CCV refuse to believe that being "retired" means sitting around and watching TV.  They keep busy all day, every day-and long into the night! 

Meet Laura!   Laura is one of our most active neighbors.  She is always at exercise and always at Bingo, and she makes a point to swing by other activities when she has time.  Laura opened her doors today to give us a glimpse at what she is always up to!

Have you ever heard of "Canning"?  It is the art of weaving strips of cane.  Laura has not one, but two of these amazing rockers that she did herself!  It's a shame that they are normally covered with a cushion.

Laura also crochets!  The blanket you see pictured below is the one she is currently working with. 

It is made from these small circles.  Each circle takes an hour or so to stitch, then each circle is sewn together to create a beautiful bed cover.
When the blanket is finished, it will look something like this.  This is the last one that Laura completed.
And because the stuff poodle makes an adorable excuse for a close up, this picture gives you better detail of the beauty of the work.

 Laura also quilted this beautiful wall hanging.  Every stitch of it was hand sewn.

One might say that Quilting is Laura's passion.  She took the time to show off some of her quilts.  The one pictured below is actually made from tiny scraps of fabric from her daughter's childhood dresses.   The beautiful trim was added last.

Here is a closer view to see the individual patches.

This is one of Laura's first quilts.  It is called a "4 Patch".  Each of the colored squares is sewn to three other squares to make a large square.  Then, each of the large squares is attached to create the quilt.  But then, the batting and backing must still be added.

This is another one of Laura's first quilts.  She says that as long as you take care of a quilt, they will last for decades.  She didn't even remember how old this one was!

 Laura also took a few minutes to show how a quilt is assembled.  The stitching is all done by hand.  Look at how tiny the stitches are!
 This is the newest quilt.  It is laid out on the bed until it is ready to be all sewn together. 

A quilt like this takes weeks. Once it is finished, it will be treasured for years to come.

Laura hopes to finish this quilt and donate it to a local school.  The school plans to raffle off the quilt and use the money to help their students.  We cannot possibly describe how proud we are that Laura is using her time, energy and talent to create something so beautiful and then donate it to such a great cause. 

We are looking forward to update you will pictures of the finished product!

Happy Monday!

Friday, August 26, 2011

G'day, Mate!

Last night, a group of 13 of us loaded up and headed over to Outback Steakhouse for a nice dinner out.  We had a great drive over-Stacy managed to avoid hitting anything hard enough to leave a scratch on Bill's bus that he might notice.  That, in itself, was a victory!

Mr. and Mrs. Easton sat up front with Juanita and Linda bringing up the rear.

 Left to right and front to back- Betty, Charles, Lurlene, Jonnie, Marge, Viola and Stella.
With so many choices, it's hard to decide what to order-but trust us when we tell you that everything came out wonderfully!
 After our meal, we decided to sit on the porch for a spell to enjoy the nice, cooler weather.

The combination of great food, wonderful company and pleasant conversation made for a fabulous trip!  We are looking forward to the next trip out for dinner!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Sweet The Sound...

We just thought that we would post a super-short blog post to share a video from our HandBell practice yesterday afternoon!  Because of the new time, Terry, Edith and John couldn't be here for this practice-but we'll get them next Wednesday at 11am.

Here is our rendition of Amazing Grace-Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Another big day is well underway!  This morning, we kicked things off right with a flexibility exercise after we "played ball". 

After we got our blood pumping, we took a breather and had our blood pressure checked.  Miss Sherry came in and made sure that we were all right where we are supposed to be!  Remember, regular blood pressure checks can be very helpful to your doctor-so keep a record every time!  We have blood pressure checks twice a month right in the Stardust Room!
After Wilma had her blood pressure checked, Verna jumped into the hot seat!

After our normal exercise and blood pressure checks, we gave the Stardust Room a quick makeover to be ready for our monthly Residents' Meeting.  All the neighbors came out to bring their questions and concerns to the whole management team.  Always the clown, Sam had to make us all laugh before we got down to business.

"Stacy, look-I'm a pot head."-Sam
"He's always like that, even without the pot"-Charles
"Save it for date night, Sam.  Save it for date night."-Stacy

You can see that we all take this Residents' meeting VERY seriously.   

Linda took the microphone and let everyone know about the new decorating committee.  In the coming months, all hands will be on deck to get our home looking great for fall-and then even better for Christmas!

And now...the tense moment...wait for it...the winners of the free meal tickets are... *drumroll*

After the Resident's Meeting, it was time for lunch.  Today's big lunchtime event was Roberta's birthday.  John was kind enough to sing to her over the microphone.  She is a lucky lady!  Happy Birthday Miss Roberta!

This afternoon, we'll be having a New Resident Meeting & Greet Social at 1:15, then Handbell Choir practice at 3:00.  Don't forget Chair Dancing at 3:45!  Get a good dinner, because Bingo tonight will kick off at 6pm. 

Don't forget, tomorrow night we'll be going out to supper at Outback Steakhouse.  Make sure you get signed up!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Living Life "CCV Style"!!

Our week is off to a great start!  On Monday, we wrapped up exercise and went downstairs for some home made smoothies!  (By 'Home Made", we mean that Stacy made smoothies with a blender under direct supervision by William and Lee to make sure she didn't manage to burn down the kitchen.)  Monday's flavors?  Strawberry/Orange and Strawberry Banana.   And trust us, these were DELICIOUS!

After lunch, we headed upstairs to play Wheel of Fortune!  Our theme for the puzzles?  "Country Club Village Sayings!"
This was our favorite puzzle for the day!

(If you missed the joke, Sharon is our Office Manager who has been with us for the better part of 20 years.  She's our anchor.  Without her, the world (quite literally) crumbles.

And up next?  Bingo!  Have you ever tried playing Bingo with 3 cards?  It's not as easy as it looks!  Today's Coverall Winner?  Mr. Charles!  He is on the left wearing the white shirt.

Remember our "Not-So-Impromptu" Dancing Video from Monday?  We don't get that good by skirting by on our good looks!  It takes PRACTICE!   Tuesdays are the day to get our moves on! 

Marvelous Mike and Lovely Lyn lead the class.  This may be the only "practice" picture we ever get.  As soon as Lyn saw the camera, she shoooo'd it away with a vengeance.  "No paparazzi, please!"

Our favorite people in the building (we're talking about the Chefs, of course!) are making Club Turkey Casserole tonight for supper-bite sized pieces of roasted turkey with celery, onion and almonds in a white sauce topped with cheddar cheese and crushed potato chips.  They are also serving herb rolls and twice baked potato soup.  Better eat a good supper and get a good night's rest.  Tomorrow is a big day!

Monday, August 22, 2011

You Have Waited ALL Weekend to See This!

Friday was a busy, busy day!  So busy, in fact, that we couldn't squeeze it all into one blog post. Late Friday afternoon, our favorite performer, Mr. Jefro Hyde, stopped by for a visit.  Those who have been practicing Line Dancing twice a week got a chance to strut their stuff!  When we heard our favorite song, Elvira, we ran to grab the camera.  By the time we got upstairs-almost everyone was on their feet and dancing!  

This video is a MUST SEE.   Be sure to catch the extra special moves all the way at the end.  Miss Wilma won't disappoint you!

We hope you had a great, restful weekend.  It's time to gear up for another rip-roaring rip full of surprises!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Busy Fridays Keep Us Moving!

Today has been a busy, busy day-and we aren't even done yet! We've been up and moving since breakfast and have a great time all day long! 

This morning started with exercise.  8:20 was Flexibility Training-lots of bending and stretching and getting our blood moving.   We took a short coffee break (because, honestly?  We just really love coffee!) and after the break, we started Strength Training at 9:00.  Fridays are Chair Stands days, and after a few minutes of grumbling-we made it through.  Sam and Charles got their usual chuckles as they somehow managed to kick each other during Side Leg Lifts:

After Leg Lifts, it was time for Exercise Bands!  1-2-3-4.....NOW BEHIND YOUR HEAD!

After Exercise, it was time for another coffee break.  It gave us just enough time to get ready for Bingo at 10:00.  The Coverall Winner today?  Mr. Charles!  It seems like kicking Sam around is good luck.  Who knew?

And after Bingo?  You guessed it-Coffee!!  We had just enough time to squeak in a cup or two before lunch.  Don't forget-the Coverall Lunchtime Bingo numbers today were B8 and I28.  We're getting closer and closer to that big Coverall Prize! I'm betting we have one in the next few weeks!

Just after Bingo, Patches was out on his midmorning walk.  He is easily one of our most adorable residents!  Everybody loves Patches-be sure to say "Hello!" to him when you see him flopping around causing trouble.

After lunch, it was time to load up for a trip to Walmart.  Don't forget to pick up odds and ends that get you through the weekend!

Those of us who picked up everything we needed from Walmart earlier in the week scurried upstairs for Nascar Racing on the Country Club Village Race Track.  After several laps, Ellis pulled ahead for a clean win!  Congratulations, Ellis!

And now...the highlight of our day?  Check the post on Monday, August 22nd.   (What can we say? Sometimes, computers take AGES to upload awesomeness.   Patience is a virtue!)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lazy Afternoons Are ALL BUSINESS!

We take our relaxation seriously! On any afternoon walk around the neighborhood, you are sure to see a few things that will make you smile. 

Verna, Stella, Polly, Edith, James and Louise enjoy cookies and coffee at the Cookie Monster Table every afternoon.  James keeps everyone laughing with the best jokes around!  Just remember, it's not polite to talk about religion or politics!

Dorothy, Mildred, Betty and Marge have a weekly Bridge game every Thursday afternoon.  Nothing can stop these ladies from getting together!

Join us tomorrow and we'll show you some more of what you can find going on at Country Club Village!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to the Country Club Village Blog!

We are so excited to be able to share the excitement of Country Club Village with wide Internet world!  Join us on our daily adventures and follow us as we grow closer together.

Country Club Village is an Independent Retirement Community located in beautiful Hot Springs, Arkansas. Residents enjoy a comfortable, carefree lifestyle in private, pet-friendly apartments or cottages.  Nestled in the rolling hills of the Hot Springs National Park, our community offers a wealth of services, amenities and activities.  We hope to use this blog to share our wonderful daily life with the world!

Sit back and relax-read through the pages of this blog and let our residents work their way into your heart through their daily adventures.