In a CCV First, we auctioned off 8 pies at the Funny Money Auction. Each pie had a destiny with a specific staff members face. It was the perfect chance for us to enjoy a little humor at the staff's expense!
You can hide all you want under your trash bag suits, but don't think it's going to help you much!
Mr. Wayne bought Sharon's pie, but just barely dipped her nose in it. So Robert came out of the wood works and smashed a huge on on her! Poor Sharon-never saw it coming.
Alright. Well. This is Stacy. This "Pie Fiasco" was actually her idea. But originally, it was just supposed to be the 4 managers getting pies. You can see how well that worked out.
Sheryl-you've never looked more fabulous!
Marion-O was the proud winner of Jim's pie. His old for a whopping $7,000! Revenge may be sweet, but it's also expensive!
Juanita had a date with Linda-and destiny!
M&M showed Jerry how it was done!
Poor Trish...Ken didn't cut her any slack!
We had a PIE-SMASHING good time!
You never know WHAT you'll be able to buy with your Funny Money!
This looks like so much fun!!!!