We recently made friend with Pam, the manager of our local Bank of the Ozarks. Many of our residents use this bank and Pam took a few hours out of her day to call "Almost!" Bingo for us. She provided prizes!
You may be asking, "What IS 'Almost!" Bingo?"
Have you ever played a game of Bingo and you sit waiting on baited breath for that one number to be called? You wait and wait....but the one number that you need just is not called before somebody else cries "BINGO!". Then, you clear your card to begin the next game, only to hear that one number you were so ready to hear gets called first?
We know that frustration well!
"Almost!" Bingo is played just like normal Bingo-we call numbers until somebody wins. But after a winner is called, we call 5 more numbers and anyone else who can Bingo in those 5 extra numbers ALSO wins! "Almost!" Bingo is one of our favorite games, but because of the high payouts, we only play once a month. Nobody misses "Almost!" Bingo when it comes around!
Pam brought some information from Bank of the Ozarks for the residents to look over.
Polly was one of our big winners!
Wilma and Amber LOVE "Almost!" Bingo!
Pam did a fabulous job of calling numbers!
Irene won the big Cover-all prize!
We all had a great time and look forward to seeing Bank of the Ozarks again for Birthday Bingo in a few weeks!
Thank you, Pam!
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