Monday, December 16, 2013

Jubilee Choir Comes to CCV

We were excited to welcome the Jubilee Choir from Hot Springs Baptist Church to sing for us!  They sang some wonder Christmas Carols that we all knew and loved.   We even got to sing along!
Beautiful voices!
Can you see that stunningly handsome man in the back/center of the choir?  That's one of our neighbors, Dewey!   We loved to hear him sing!
Round of applause!

There is something truly magical in hearing the old Christmas Carols every year.  It brings us back to our own childhoods...where Santa flew silently overhead and joy warmed your bones.   We loved hearing the choir sing and can't wait to have them back next year!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gingerbread Village 2013

Watch the video to see the progress of our 2013 Country Club Gingerbread Village!   Be sure to stick around until the end and make sure your volume is on :)

Watch the video to see the progress of our 2013 Country Club Gingerbread Village!   Be sure to stick around until the end and make sure your volume is on :)
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Handbell Choir "Jingles All The Way!"

The handbell choir has been practicing all year for our big Christmas Tour and today was the day!   We  had a last minute practice this morning at 9:45, the loaded the bus for our first performance at 11am at Brookfield Nursing and Rehab.   And that was just the start!
Ronny decorated the bus for us!  Don't you love the lights?

Our 11am performance went beautifully!  

And look who we found!  Stell used to live with us at CCV.  His late sister, Verna, was one of the founding members of the Handbell Choir!  We wrangled him into playing a few songs with us.

After our morning show, we were hungry so we took a trip to Mr. Whiskers for lunch.  

We were starving!

Doesn't that look wonderful?

After lunch, we went over to The Pines Nursing and Rehab for our second, longer performance.  This show lasted an hour and we were WHOPPED at the end of it!

Good job, gang!

We recruited a few folks to play with us here, too!
Even thought our tour is over, we aren't done yet!  We still have another big performance at CCV.  Be sure to join us-you won't want to miss this show!