Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Picnic at Gulfa Gorge

We loaded in the Bus this afternoon to enjoy the beautiful Spring Weather at Gulfa Goge!  Chef Joseph joined us and grilled us delicious Hotdogs and Hamburgers.   We played Bag-O and Ladder ball, too!  

Say "Hello!", Gang!
Ya'll hungry yet?
Chef Joseph is wonderful!
 Check out that Beanbag floating through the air!  Way to go, Nancy!
That sure is looking good!
 "Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no Evil"-Walter is watching you!!
We sure did enjoy this weather!
What are you two getting into??
So.  A Ladder Ball ball got thrown into a tree.  Tom, naturally, throws another ball into the tree to knock down the first.  Which obviously got stuck, too.  Then Steve and Tom tried to knock them down with a Golf Club.  
Golf Clubs don't belong in trees.
So Joe threw a beanbag in the tree to knock down the two balls.  
The beanbag got stuck.
Chef Joseph decided to throw a broom in the tree to knock down the balls and beanbag.  
The broom got stuck, too.
We used a stack of bricks and a cane to reach the branch and pull it towards us.  From there, we were able to untie the balls and get back to the game!
Enjoying the view!
Tom, are you ready??
Our cheering section!
Would you like to learn to play?
We had a FANTASTIC time today!  The company was wonderful, the weather was spectacular, and the food was delicious!   Join us next month, we're going to Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock-and we're going to make s'mores!!